We cater specifically for the 54mm-1/32 buyer of Plastic Toy Soldiers,

but also have 50mm and 60mm items.

We accept payment with Visa and Mastercard Cards.

Please also read our terms and conditions before ordering.

how do I order/how do I pay?

E-mail: steve@plasticsoldiers.co.uk

01268 680117

07843 536700

3-D printed in the UK.

some of the most stunning and highly detailed sets that I have EVER seen.

Clearance on ALL sets except the Vitenam range – save 20%!!

ALL except the Vitenam range are suppled without bases in order that you can either create close fitting groups or use as single figures.

Some very basic fitting of parts required – no more than 4/5 parts per figure.

Some horses need tails fitting only. (detail on the horses is simply amazing!)

A good quality Superglue or 2-part epoxy will easily do this.

Most infantry sets contain 10 figures, Artillery sets come with crews and gabions.

Ex-GunHo/MBD Vietnam

I’ve had these up-sized to be more compatible with the TSSD Vietnam range


8 quality figures, £35.00

Last set!

A true limited production as leass than 20 sets of each were ever made.

All the sets below have now been discontinued by the Company that prints them, which is a shame.

Get them while we still have some!

Bases not included.

Last set!!

Spearmen on foot £40.00 £25.00 (Bases not included)