English Civil War

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We cater specifically for the 54mm-1/32 buyer of Plastic Toy Soldiers,

but also have 50mm and 60mm items.

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E-mail: steve@plasticsoldiers.co.uk

01268 680117

07843 536700

Only 2 Companies currently cover the English Civil War period –

Replicants and A Call to Arms 


 Sole Worldwide Distributor for these figures

(See Replicants page for pictures)

The Character figures from “The Royal Oak” Playset.

Tavern Keeper & Serving Wench, £4.00

(1) King Charles II hiding in the tree,  King Charles I, The Priest, The Executioner. £12.00


(2) King Charles I, The Priest, The Executioner. £6.00


  Officer & Horse.  £4.50

Mounted trumpeter with Horse.  £4.50


 Mounted figure, firing pistol,with horse and separate saddle. £5.00

 Musketeers 8 figures in 4 poses.  £12.00 

(no wounded figure).


 Roundheads 6 poses £12.00

 Dismounted Roundhead with horse and wall, £7.00

Oliver Cromwell, Officer & Pikemen (wounded figure no longer included) £12.00

A Call To Arms

Fresh from their new moulding factory-

most infantry sets contain 16 figures except set #1 and set #2

All mounted sets contain 4 mounted figures on 4 horses.

for photos, see our A Call to Arms page.

Set # 34. Haslerigge’s Lobsters. 4  mounted figures in 4 poses.  £8.50

set #33. Mounted English Civil War. 4 mounted Roundheads in 4 poses. £11.00

set # 13. English Civil War Cannon Out of stock

set # 14. Royalist Artillery  Crew £11.00 16 figures in 4 poses. (4 sets of crew requiring 4 packs of cannons) 

set no #1, Royalist v Parlimentarians. £8.50. Out of stock

set no #2, Pikemen. out of production. 

set #3. Royalist Musketeers  16 figures in 4 poses. £8.50

set #5. Parliament Musketeers 16 figures in 4 poses. £8.50